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Common Character Archetypes
An archetype is a thing or a person or even an event which keeps reoccurring in any art. These events or characters must be included in the story or any writing work for it to be meaningful. Below are some of the common character archetypes.

The hero. The hero has always been used as the protagonist. In many stories, the protagonist has been the male, but some female heroes have been portrayed in various art. In every story, the hero is in a setting where he is pursuing something. But there are obstacles on their ways hence making their work a bit hard. The hero has god character, he is morally upright, and is shown to have the good traits. But at times the moral goodness of the protagonist is always tested in every part of the story. Click homepage to get info about  Character Archetypes. But they maintain their heroism by conquering these challenges. This act of going through these challenges successfully makes them the heroes. In other cases, the heroes are there to help other characters in the story. They are always given the responsibility of saving them from various problems.

There is the mentor archetype. There is no writing story which lacks the mentor character. It is usually given to an older person. Such characters have unique magical capabilities which cannot be possessed by other characters in the story. The mentor has a certain knowledge which is unique to themselves. The mentors act as assists to the heroes. He is responsible in giving them the guidance they need in their leadership journey.

Furthermore, they are knowledgeable and hence this guidance is respected. They are responsible in coming in to solve some extreme problems which might seem difficult to the heroes.  To learn more about Character Archetypes, check it out! You should know that in most cases, the mentor ends up dying after accomplishing their missions. And in a few instances, they are revisited to remind the heroes how to help others.

There is also the Every-man character archetype. This is the normal person who is always faced with circumstances which are extraordinary. The every-man has no responsibility of serving others in the story, but at times they act like the supporting figure in the story. They can be a protagonist at times. In many cases, the every-man character finds themselves in situations which are difficult for them to solve. You will see that the every-man is seen trying to come up with changes, this is one way they can use to get away from difficult circumstances. Learn more from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archetype.

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Some of the Common Character Archetypes
To start with, an archetype is something that reoccurs in literature or art which can be a character, symbol, theme or a setting. This gives us the definition of a character archetype to mean people that pop up across all genres of literature be it classic or contemporary. Get more info on  Character Archetypes. Keep reading for a list of some of the universal character archetypes found in the literature.

One of the character archetypes is then the hero. Typically, the hero is always the protagonist who all the things surround him. But remember that all the protagonists are still not heroes. You find that in most settings the hero is always a male even though we also have some female heroes in some literature. In most forms of writing, the hero is always after some specific objective, and he will have to overcome many obstacles for him to achieve it. Besides, heroes are always good throughout the story, but their goodness is always challenged on many occasions. Click website to get info about  Character Archetypes. What makes them heroes is to maintain their abilities even if they suffer in the process and defend or save a large number of people.

Besides, we also have the mentor. In literature, the mentor is one of the common archetypes. In most cases, the mentors are always old, but they always have some magical abilities and wider knowledge than the rest of the people in the story. You find that they always help the heroes along the way by teaching them how they can help themselves. Not only that but at some point, they always arbitrate in some situations. When you have anything that you need to be advice on you should always seek the mentor's abilities. But the bad news is that they always end up dead in many stories, and sometimes they resurrect.

Apart from that, there is the everyman. The everyman archetype always stands in for the audience. You should note that they are just ordinary people, but at some point, they are faced with extraordinary circumstances. They can either be a protagonist, or you can call them a support figure. In most cases, the everyman always finds himself in the middle of a mess that they don't have control over. What they always try to do is to find a way they can get out of that mess. You notice that these characters are always getting through difficult situations, but they are not taking the responsibility to save others as the hero does. Learn more from https://www.reference.com/art-literature/archetypes-mythology-781b66e773aaa50e?aq=character+archetypes&qo=cdpArticles#.

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What Are The Common Character Archetypes In Literature?
The character archetypes in literature are the types of characters that repeatedly are used in works of reading and writing. Every writer has to master the art of employing these archetypes to pass the message they want the people to get. An archetype for that reason is simply a writer's tool that they can use to make sure that we get whatever they want us to know. To learn more about Character Archetypes, visit this link. There are many archetypes that are simply used but there are the most common ones that hardly lack in any literature piece.
The first and the most common of them all is the hero. The hero is always the protagonist in the stories. They are known to possess high character values and powers that help to find justice and help people overcome obstacles.

They have an ability to stay strong and follow the right path even when faced with challenges. The writer must portray them as creature's worthy of the readers support emotionally. The second most famous character is the villain. The villain is the antagonist whose main aim is to prevent the hero from achieving their goal. They are portrayed as power hungry and their main aim is to show the moral of the hero. They own the vice that is parallel to the hero's virtue and are as powerful as the hero. The conclusion sees them as converts or dead.The third character archetype is the innocent. The innocent many a times represent the women and children. However, these are the characters in the story that are morally good and surrounded by circumstances that disturb them.

They suffer at the hands of the villain and most of the times they play a part in promoting the hero's conquest. They barely have control over something and they always find themselves in a fix that only the hero can solve. The fourth character is the everyman. This is the audience. Click homepage to get info about  Character Archetypes. They are the ones that have a moral obligation to the task of the hero and act like supporting figures. The villain can also have them as a bonus but they should be discarded as soon as their purpose is over. This is because they affect the flow of the story.

The final archetype of character is the mentor. The mentor is many times an old figure in the society seen to have the knowledge about things. They may bear magical powers that help them navigate the world. most of the times when the story starts when the hero is young. Then the mentor is the one that sees to it that they grow. Learn more from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/from-survival-to-grace-us_b_13432368.html.